Insights from Passiv

Get the latest insights on smart heating control, low-carbon technology and all the exciting things happening at Passiv.

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Heatropolis – making heat networks smarter

In April 2023, Passiv won support for the Heatropolis project through Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) alongside the project lead UK Power Networks and partners Metropolitan and Camden Council.

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Seaside houses with solar panels

The Passiv Go-REGO Service – increase your solar portfolio returns by up to 10%

The Passiv Go-REGO service automatically registers domestic rooftop solar generation for green energy certificates, increasing returns for solar portfolio owners by up to 10%.

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3 houses with solar panels

FLATLINE – smart optimisation of low-carbon technologies

FLATLINE explored how smart, coordinated optimisation of low-carbon technologies could reduce energy bills and provide flexibility to the National Grid.

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Modern kitchen

HyCompact – decarbonising with compact hybrid heat pumps

HyCompact explored the potential role for compact hybrid heat pumps in decarbonising domestic heating.

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Installing hydrogen heating system

MH:EK – smart hydrogen hybrid heating

MH:EK explored the role hydrogen could play in a decarbonised energy future.

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Heat pump from the side

No regrets – low-cost hybrid heat pumps

The No Regrets project tested a novel offer for deploying hybrid heat pumps in the UK.

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4D Heat - Wind curtailment

4D Heat – using smart electric heating to reduce wind curtailment

The 4D Heat project was a desk-based study exploring whether electric heating in Scotland could be used to reduce the curtailment of renewable wind generation.

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FREEDOM hybrid heat pumps

FREEDOM – decarbonised heating with hybrid heat pumps

The FREEDOM project examined whether hybrid heating systems could be installed in UK homes to decarbonise domestic heating.

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Low-carbon technologies

MADE Project – using low-carbon technologies to reduce network demand

The MADE project explored how smart control of multiple low-carbon technologies in the home can reduce energy bills and peak demand on distribution networks.

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