Meet the people behind the technology
Founded in 2008, Passiv is a British company with innovation at its heart. Our mission is to create smarter technology to decarbonise homes.
A history of Passiv
Passiv is a smart energy technology business. We have spent over a decade developing software solutions to decarbonise homes. Our patented technology provides market leading control of low-carbon technologies with a particular focus on heating.
Based in Newbury and with a team of around 50 people, we are a pioneering company at the forefront of reducing energy bills and carbon emissions for millions of households.
In April 2021, Passiv was acquired by BUUK Infrastructure. BUUK Infrastructure is the leading provider of multi-utility networks in the UK, operating more than 2.5 million utility connections. BUUK Infrastructure is backed by Brookfield Asset Management who manage $625bn of energy and building assets globally.
Our company timeline
Company founded as PassivSystems
PassivSystems was founded to develop smart home technology for homes and businesses around the world.
PassivSystems’ thermostat wins ‘Top 6 hottest products’ award at CES
PassivSystems launches the world’s first smart thermostat allowing consumers to remotely control their heating and hot water.
PassivPro solar monitoring service launched
PassivPro provides comprehensive monitoring services for solar portfolio owners.
First 1,000 thermostats installed
PassivSystems’ thermostats are installed in homes and businesses across the country.
First heat pump controls installed
The PassivSystems thermostat is developed to support heat pumps - the first ‘heat pump smart thermostat’.
Became an energy supplier to offer Feed-in Tariff services to solar customers
PassivSystems expands its offering to its solar customers by offering Feed-in Tariff administration under its wholly-owned subsidiary
FREEDOM project begins with hybrid heat pump installations
The PassivSystems thermostat is installed alongside some of the first hybrid heat pumps in the UK.
First Heat Interface Unit controls installed on the Cranbrook district heat network
The PassivSystems thermostat is developed to support Heat Interface Units on heat networks.
First Demand Side Response services delivered with Hitachi heat pumps
PassivSystems trials some of the first domestic Demand Side Response services for low-carbon heating.
First hybrid heat pump deployments with EDF and Shell Energy
PassivSystems partners with EDF and Shell Energy (under the ‘B-Snug’ brand) to offer low-cost hybrid heat pumps funded under the Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive scheme.
Acquired by BUUK Infrastructure
PassivSystems is acquired by BUUK Infrastructure and rebrands as Passiv UK.
Launched Go-REGO service to solar customers
Passiv expands its offering to its solar customers by becoming the first company to register small, domestic renewable installations for green energy certificates.
Passiv Smart Thermostat launched
The revolutionary Passiv Smart Thermostat for heat pumps is launched at InstallerSHOW.